Develop a script that will perform statistical analysis on data tables within Microsoft Access (.mdb) files, and generate a summary report with graphs. It is preferred that the script be written in a language that can execute data analysis quickly and efficiently while utilizing a minimum of system resources (CPU and RAM). It is preferred that the script be written in an open source language (Python or equivalent) using known working libraries.

About Us:
We are engineering firm that has built an electronic monitoring system that performs quality control in a production facility. Our system analyzes real-time line production and produces data for the script.

Detailed Description:
Part Data Report
Data will be collected every 10-20 seconds and placed into a unique Microsoft Access MDB file in a given directory. The script must recognize when a new file arrives in the directory, perform statistical analysis (min, max, mean, and standard deviation) on the data contain therein, and then generate a “pass/fail” report and chart for each individual serial number. The script will also append the pertinent data from each individual serial number report into a separate file for analysis on a “Lot report,” created upon a change in the type of production.
Each .mdb file has one table with approximately 1200 rows of data organized into the following columns:
- Part serial number (parsed by the script into the bullet items)
o Shift
o Part type
o Date (mmddyy)
o Lot #
o Lot Series
o Time (hhmmss)
- Position (T or B)Camera #
- Row #
- Column #
- Val X (width)
- Val Y (length)
- Val Z (height)
The report generated by the script shall contain the following data fields:
- Serial Number
- Part Number
- Part Description
- Date/Time of Production
- Production lot number
- Part lot series number
- Part Position
- Part Width Analysis
o Average width
o Standard Deviation
- Part Length Analysis
o Average length
o Standard Deviation
- Part Height Analysis
o Average height
o Maximum height
o Minimum height
o Standard Deviation
o % of height peaks within tolerance
o “Pass” or “Fail” of the part based on the above “% of height peaks within tolerance”.
- Graphical representation of locations on the part that do not meet height tolerance
o Graphical representation will be a matrix with certain sections shaded as “Pass” or “Fail”

Lot Data Report
Each lot of parts will be completed once the production line switches to a different product type. Upon completion of the lot, the script will be responsible for producing a Lot Summary report containing summary information from each of the parts produced in the lot.
The Lot Summary report shall contain the following:
- Lot Part Description
- # of parts produced
- # of parts within tolerance
- # of rejected parts
- % of parts within tolerance
- Lot production start time
- Lot Production end time
- Average temperature during lot production
- Graphs:
o Scatter plot of part length mean with UCL and LCL
o Scatter plot of part length Std Deviation with UCL and LCL
o Scatter plot of part width mean with UCL and LCL
o Scatter plot of part width Std Deviation with UCL and LCL
o Scatter plot of part height mean with UCL and LCL
o Scatter plot of part height Std Deviation with UCL and LCL
Read More to Apply

Budget: $250-$750 USD
Project Posted by: Xenoninc


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